Locking the Barn Door

Ever heard the saying “that’s like shutting the barn door after the horse is gone”?

Lots of truth to that one-unfortunately, there’s also a ton of truth to this observation, “Locks are only to slow down good people.” Now THAT one is gospel truth.

People who slap a padlock on a gate or a barn door have the best of intentions-and the lock makers are making money off that. What a lock does is keep idle fingers out of your possessions. These are the people who ‘just want to borrow’ a brush, see if that saddle would fit my horse, use your bridle because I forgot mine, …..and so on. At least 50% of the time, they also forget to put your stuff back. So you put a padlock on your stuff to keep these nimcompoops out of your stuff. I get it. I’ve done it myself. They are irritating as heck. But they’re careless-not necessarily dishonest.

Unfortunately, padlocks barefly slow down the truly dishonest thief. They consider a padlock a challenge IF they consider it at all. They’ll use a bolt cutter on the hasp or a couple of wrecking bars on the hasp. Give them 5 minutes and they’re in.  Fifteen -thirty minutes later, they’re gone with your stuff. If that includes your horse-well, that’s just too bad for you.

Now-how do you stop them? Answer is-you really can’t unless you take the horse and all your stuff in the house with you and I doubt that’s going to happen if you’re at all like me. So you have to step back and try to look at your place like a bad guy. What can you do to make it less attractive?

  • Motion detecting lighting and cameras
  • Allowing briars and thick brush to grow along fence lines (also ecologically good idea-gives small things a place to live, eat, reproduce)
  • Check property lines often
  • Make sure gates to pastures are close to buildings-not the road
  • Microchip
  • signage
  • Freeze brand
  • Neighborhood watch
  • Tire boots on trailers and equipment
  • engrave or etch metal
  • vary your routine
  • photograph and keep your records up to date-
    • vet/breeding/show
    • registrations
    • news clippings, etc.

Never slack up-because the people who can profit from your laziness sure won’t.


iron latch lock padlock

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com